Friday, April 16, 2010

Tadi masa lunch kluar ke Bandar nak bayar bil api. Selalu bayar guna Cimbcliks, tapi balance tak banyak dan bil ni untuk 2 bulan dah. Masa panas kan enjin dan buang sampah sarap dalam kereta K.Azi pun time tu tengah gi ngubah keta untuk masuk ke parking berbumbung. Dalam pada dia tengah bergerak tu, dengar la bunyi "Miau...Miau..Miau". Memang pagi tadi dia dah bagitau bunyi anak kucing dari kereta dia, tapi bila berhenti dan cari2 takde la pulak. Bayang kan dari dari rumah ke opis dalam 5-6 kilo, lepas tu dari 8.30 pagi  ke 1.10 tghri si anak kucing nie masih duduk kat enjin tu..Aku takut nak tgk, iye la..cedera ke, kaki patah ke...hapa ke..lagipun aku memang takut kat kucing kan...aku tgk depa dari dalam keta aje. K.Azi panggil Abg. Jai suh tgkkan. Bila depa tengok memang ada dan dia duduk diam aje kat situ. Abang Jai usaha nak capai anak kucing dan akhir nya dapat bawak dia kluar dari situ. Terus bagi kat Zul dan lepas lunch dengar kata M.Cik dah bawak balik umah dia..shian kucing tu..

Wednesday, April 14, 2010



Chibi Maruko Chan

Detective Conan

Drive Shaft - kopak aku

Pagi tadi masa nak touch door card mcm biasa terus drive ke foyer depan dulu. Masa tarik handbreak dan keluar si Fazlye tegur...weh tukar aje la drive shaft nko tu, kang tercabut tayar. Aku gelak aje, sebab tak tahu pape...hehehe. Pastu si Saifull keluar nak join hisap rokok.. Aku bukak pintu tanye lagi sekali, dia kata kena tukar, dah berbunyi kuat nie...nko dah la bawak laju, pasang lagu kuat2 macam org gila", hehehe...dia gelak. Aku ok aje....parking.

Masuk office aku terus aje cek apa tu drive shaft. Pastu tanye Abang Jai, dia kata dalam RM180 paling murah...adus, dah la nak guna duit nak ke Beijing nie..keta pulak nak buat hal. Tapi aku nak tukar jugak, pasal sabtu nak drive ke K.L. So, terus bagi kunci keta dan suruh dia cek dulu, nanti tengahari atau petang kluar duit n bagi kat dia suh settle kan..

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Henpon ku

Hari tu aku ter miss place kan..seminggu hilang. Lepas seminggu tu aku balik kampung, tengah borak2 dengan mummy kat atas katil dalam bilik yang, dia terasa ada benda bawah tempat yang dia duduk tu..bila angkat lapik atas katil tu...tersembul kluar la henpon nie...adus...punye la hampeh kan...macam nak rak mencari..

Masa pagi yang hilang tu, aku dah suruh yoep block kan line. So, sampai sekarang nie [punya la lama] dia masih tak on lagi line tu..maleh aku nak suruh. Hang nak on...on la...tak mo..lantak hang la. Henpon nie pun aku dah menyampah since bateri dia macHam hampeh. 1 hari caj, 1 hari habes...guna atau tidak...kuat makan bateri betul dia..

Since nak turun KL 17hb nanti ingat nak cari la bateri dia yang baru, tapi harga ntah la bape hagak2..ato pun cari kat Beijing aje..hmmmm..tgk la nanti.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Nie semua kalu kat negara 1mesia yang terchenta nie mau la RM600-RM700 seketul. Memang sangat ringan dan ruang2 yang banyak..takat nak backpacking sebulan tu pejam mata aja la... Usha kat Karrimor Indonesia harga dia jauh lebih murah dari 1mesia yang terchenta...kalu nak beli kat UK tu ntah la..sebab kalu bag Crumpler walaupun "made in OZ" tapi harga dia kat Australia sendiri jauh lebih mahal daripada kat negara lain yang depa eksport...Masa pegi Vietnam hari tu tak nampak la pulak Karrimor.. sebab Vietnam memang banyak imitation...murah pulak tu...ada tak sesapa nak sponser....????

Couch Surfing

Memula tahu pasal Couch Surfing nie dari Jaja...dia dikenalkan oleh kawan dia pulak. Dari luar rasa memang seronok la....tapi bila baca thread dari Vietnam (Hue) bagaimana CS dari China dikenakan oleh sekumpulan CS di Hue, memang terlalu banyak keburukan CS nie. Mungkin dari mata pemula CS nie, nak melihat kebaikan dan menyatukan semua orang. Kalau kena orang yang baik memang bagus..tapi kebanyakan orang yang baik nie pulak selalu diambil kesempatan oleh CS yang jahat. Ada beberapa jenis CS, ada yang sengkek...makna, nak duduk lama kat tempat tu secara percuma..tapi siapa yang tahan. Selalu mat saleh la perangai buruk macam tu. Depa nie, boleh bagi semua yang ada pada depa...makna SEX la...for free. Tapi sebagai balasan, orang tu kena la bagi tinggal percuma dan selalu end up depa mesti buat taik punye. Dah banyak thread yang aku baca, macam jenis manusia. Tapi yang paling bagus e-mail2 tu ialah tips - mana tempat nak pegi, nak makan, nak tido...bila time elok pegi..dan mcm2.

The CouchSurfing Project is the largest hospitality exchange network, with over 1.75 million member in 237 countries and territories. According to Alexa it is currently the most visited hospitality service on the Internet, averaging around 40 million daily page views July - December 2009.

How it works

After registering, which is free, member have the option of providing very detailed information and pictures of themselves and of the sleeping accommodation they offer, if any. More information provided by a member, and other members improves the chances that someone will find the member trustworthy enough to be their host or guest. Security is often measured in the reference established by networking. Volunteers may verify names and addresses. Members looking for accommodation can search for hosts using several parameters such as age, location, gender and activity level. Home stays are entirely consensual between the host and guest, and the duration, nature and terms of the guest's stay are generally worked out in advance to the convenience of both parties. No monetary exchange takes place except for compensation of incurred expenses (e.g. food). After using the service, members can leave a noticeable reference about host or guest.

Instead of or in addition to accommodation, members also offer to provide guide services or travel related advice. CouchSurfing provides editable travel guides and forums where members may seek travel partners or advice. CouchSurfing's main focus is "social networking" and members organize activites such as camping trips, bar crawls, meetings, and sporting events.

Their website features a searchable database of hundreds of upcoming events organized by CouchSurfing members, including the annual "Berlin Beach Camp" which draws over 1,000 attendees, the annual "WinterCamp", and a New Year's Eve party hosted in a different city in Europe every year.

Security Verification

Security verification

There are three methods to ensure security and trust, which are all visible on member profiles for potential host and surfers to see prior to arranging anything with each other:

1. Personal references, which hots and surfers have the option to leave after having used the service.

2. An optional credit card verification system, allowing members to "lock in" their name and address by making a credit card payment and entering a code that Couch Surfing mails to the billing address. This also allows CS to recuperate some costs by requiring a fee for verification. For fairness the verification fee is base on a sliding scale, taking into account the the Purchasing Power Parity and Human Development Index of the country of residence.

3. A personal vouching system, whereby a member that had been vouched for - originally starting with the founders of the site - might in turn vouch for any number of other members he or she knew or had met through CouchSurfing, and trusts.


Casey Fenton

The CouchSurfing project was originally conceived by Casey Fenton in 1999. Accoring to Fenton's own account, the idea arose after finding an inexpensive flight from Boston to Iceland. Rather than stay at a hostel, Fenton randomly e-mailed 1,500 students from the University of Iceland asking if he could stay. Fenton ultimately received more than 50 offer of accommodation. On the return flight to Boston, he began to develop the ideas that would underpin the CouchSurfing project.


The mission statement of CouchSurfing is Create Inspiring Experiences : "CouchSurfing seeks to internationally network people and places, create educational exchanges, raise collective consciousness, spread tolerance and facilitate cultural understanding. As a community we strive to do out individual and collective parts to create a better world, and we believe that the surfing of couches is a means to accomplish this goal. CouchSurfing is not about the furniture, not just about finding free accommodations around the world; it's about making connections worldwide. We make the world a better place by opening our homes, our hearts, and our lives. We open our minds and welcome the knowledge that cultural exchange makes available. We create deep and meaningful connections that cross oceans, continents and cultures. CouchSurfing wants to change not only the way we travel, but how we relate to the world!".

Monday, April 5, 2010

Lie - David Cook

You whispered that you were getting tired,

Got a look in your eye, Looks a lot like goodbye,

Hold on the your secrests tonight,

Don’s want to know I’m ok with this silence,

It’s truth that I don’t want to hear,

You’re hiding regret in your smile,

There’s a storm in your eyes that’s been passing for awhile,

Hold on to the past tense tonight,

Don’t say a word, I’m ok with the quiet,

The truth is gonna change everything,

So lie to me and tell me that it’s gonna be alright,

So lie to me and tell me that we’ll make it through the night,

I don’t mind if your wait before your tear me apart,

Look me in the eye, Lie, lie, lie,

Lie, lie, lie,

I know that there’s no turning back,

If we put too much light on this we’ll see through all the cracks,

Let’s stay in the dark one more night,

Don’t want to know I’m ok with the silence,

It’s truth that I don’t want to hear,

So lie to me and tell me that it’s gonna be alright,

So lie to me and tell me that we’ll make it through the night,

I don’t mind if your wait before your tear me apart,

So look me in the eye, And lie, lie, lie,

Don’t want to believe in this ending,

Let the cameras roll on, Keep pretending,

Tomorrow’s all wrong if you walk away, Just stay,

So lie to me and tell me that it’s gonna be alright,

So lie to me and tell me that we’ll make it through the night,

I don’t mind if your wait before your tear me apart,

So look me in the eye, And lie, lie, lie,

So lie to me and tell me that it’s gonna be alright,

So lie to me and tell me that we’ll make it through the night,

I don’t mind if your wait before your tear me apart,

So look me in the eye, And lie, lie, lie,

* Tersangat suka dengan lagu nie...dah jatuh cinta dengan lagu nie...dan penyanyi nye pun suka song ever..

Bukit Larut / Maxwell Hill

Semalam, aku n faz ke Bukit Larut buat pertama kali sebelum Faz pindah kerja ke K.L. Faz amik aku kat rumah dan terus ke Kaki Bukit Larut. Naik Land Rover dalam jam 11 pagi dan turun jam 1 tghari..Since weekend ramai orang diaorg tetap kan 2 jam limit untuk setiap orang. So, memang time limit sangat. Diaorg kata kalu nak lama2 naik la weekdays...buleh naik pagi turun petang [keja la]. Masa naik tu memang menguji betul. Ada 88 korner dan ada beberapa yang paling tajam..itu yang buat nak terkelar dari land rover tu...mula2 takut jugak..kot2 pening or muntah..tapi takde pape..memang best pengalaman naik keatas.. otw tu terlalu ramai org hiking naik...[budak2 Kolej Latihan TM ada 160 org, patut la penuh hari nie].

Kat atas terus aje jalan ke arah Gunung Hijau Rest House...tiba kat pondok rehat dulu, amik gambar...bila tgk batu jalan tu tulis lagi 3 KM...adoi...tak jadi proceed dan turun balik the time dah jam 12.30..kejap aje masa berjalan..lepas tu naik ke Chendana Cafe...amik gambar n layan view..lepas tu order lunch...Kuew Teow Goreng dengan air Soya...Kebetulan Land Rover yang sepatut turun jam 1 tengahari tu ada kat, kitaorg suruh dia tunggu dan tak perlu jalan turun bawah balik...tiba stesen tu org lain terpaksa la duduk kat belakang...hehehehe...tiba kaki bukit jam 1.30 lebih kurang.

Chendana Cafe.....nice view

another view...

go green...

new t'shirt - world cup south africa...petronas mesra

MGJV PR Officer a.k.a my best fren...Fazz..

Bunga Ros Hutan....sangat, sangat dan sangat harum...

Left view Kuala Terung n Right view Kuala Sepetang... centre view Bandar Taiping

Bunga 3 bulan...lepas tu pudar dan kering...

Chendana Cafe n Cendana Hut....sangat cantik, sangat sejuk dan sangat menyegarkan....

The only rock....the rocks....

Another abandoned.....otw to Gunung Hijau Rest House n Telekom Tower...

Giant Butterfly....just like me...Flygiz / Fly Colours