Pagi tadi bila datang kerja aku ikut jalan lama Jimat Rm3.00. Sekarang aku tengah usaha nak jimat sejimatnya dan simpan duit untuk percutian seterusnya. Aku dah pokai habis bulan nie. Balik dari Beijing hari tu aku gatal2 pegi beli sling bag Levi's ngan tshirt Armani Exchange. Kat situ dah RM 140.00. Bila masuk keje si Kay bagitau yang laptop aku dah repair, kena caj RM 600.00. Adusss....tepuk dahi kejap. Aku bayar kan si Kay RM 200 dulu, sebab dia bagitau bayar sikit2. Ok la jugak kan..buat nya dia nak lumpsum..mati jugak la. 8hb tu umie ajak pegi kenduri rumah kawan dia kat Teluk Intan...masa tu naik 3 orang, tayar belakang sebelah kiri tu dah rasa lain macam aja..apak suh aku cek jugak besoknya. So, hari isnin suruh abang jai pegi workshop cek kan tayar. Rupanya dah berbonjol keluar dan benang pun dah nampak. Alhamdullilah la masa jalan hari tu tak jadi pape kan..bawak pun laju semacam. Lepas tu tukar tayar sebelah aje..RM 130.00. Memang bengkok...Pagi tadi aku pow duit apak RM50.00. Semalam pegi amik adik kat Stesen Ketapi Ipoh, kena isi minyak dengan tol...bayar dengan duit seringit2 yang aku dok simpan 1 gulung tu. Duit tu sesaja aje simpan...tak sangka time darurat gini buleh gak guna..Minah kaunter minyak tu dok pandang dan kena kira singgit2 ...hahaha..lantak nko la. Duit syiling ada dalam RM100, tapi tak sempat lagi nak tukar kan..
Pagi tadi bukak CS dan ada inbox message. Bila bukak tengok ada mamat lithuania nie hantar message mintak tolong carikan rumah sewa untuk 2 bulan range RM300 - RM400. Minggu lepas masa ambil makanan jamuan kat Kamunting jumpa dengan couple mat saleh naik persona berhenti kat kedai tu jugak. Ingat dia sesat atau nak pegi beli makanan tengahari...Bila baca message ni, baru teringat..ini la mat saleh yang aku terserempak minggu lepas. Dia tinggal kan no phone dan aku terus SMS dia. Bila dia balas balik, rupanya dah jumpa rumah tapi di Ipoh. Ok la tu...memang terror betul kan mat saleh nie..buleh hidup kat mana2 aje..Dia baru pindah dari Varkala, India setelah 6 bulan duduk kat situ. Mat saleh nie jual dadah atau ada kongsi gelap??? mana dia dapat duit?? dia dah 4-5 tahun merantau.. Memang setengah negara ada bagi allowance untuk rakyat yang tak dapat pekerjaan..tapi tak kan sampai 4-5 tahun pun buleh dapat..emm, entah la..
Short Story About Us
Katja Lachmann

Very soon after the beginning of my studies Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management in Berlin, Germany (I graduated 2005) I became a member of AEGEE (European Student Association). During my first AEGEE-Event abroad (The Netherlands, 2001) I got the “travel bug” and was for a few years involved in a lot of AEGEE acitivities all around Europe. When I was studying, working and living in Spain (2003-2004) I certainly knew what I want: a trip without time limits and no routes planned in advance. While I was looking forward to finish my studies for being “free like a bird in the sky”, I did some creative work and made a trip through Southern Africa for 3 months in 2004.
Augustas Kligys

I hold M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Aalborg University in Denmark.
Theoreticaly, or… according to the “common sense”, I should have been a computer professional and travelling should have been my hobby.
Theoreticaly, or… according to the “common sense”, I should have been a computer professional and travelling should have been my hobby.
Finally, I am glad computers to become my hobby, and travelling to be my biggest passion in the life. Since 1997, when I joined Vilnius Hitch-hiking Club, I was very often on the road. After many years of exploring European countries, I was starving for something new… And that was China in 2002, right after getting my M.Sc. degree. Two years later I have hitch-hiked through East Africa and did voluntary work in South Africa, totally spending half a year on this continent.
In 2010 I started new episode of my life. I got interested in spirituality, and this brought me so much understanding about the life and how easy is to enjoy every moment of it. I believe the past and the future does not exists. There is only NOW, and living it makes you very happy 

How did we meet? Well… the story was simple. Augustas and his friend, they were travelling around Spain in summer 2003. Before arriving to Zaragoza, where Katja used to study, they contacted her through theHospitality Club – the free accommodation website for travelers. After staying 3 days at Katja’s place, we offered her to join the trip to Rainbow Gathering, which at that time was located in the Pyrenees mountains – South of France…
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